Sample / Wave / Synthesis
The Audio Tracks are capable of sample playback, wave form generation (oscillators), generating
synthesizer sounds (FM synthesis). Each of the four audio parts can be used for a different
purpose, so sample playing, running oscillators and synthesizing can be used together. Every part
has its own processing (Wavefolder, Bitcrush, Distortion) and mixing (Volume, Mute).
The final audio signals are routed through a (lofi) delay unit before it finally arrives at the Sample
output jack on the frontpanel.
The audio signal after the volume process can further be used to Frequency Modulate one or more
of the 4 oscillators/operators. This enables FM synthesis generation.
The pre-delay audio signal of audio track 7 can also be routed to overwrite the audio track 8 pre-
delay part. It allows to have the same audio on both audio 7 and audio 8 outputs and in
combination with different delay settings for both, a nice stereo effect can be generated.
Every unit and part of the audio flow can be manually manipulated in the
or modulated through the Automators, envelopes and from the sequence.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022