MultiUART COM port demo quickstart guide
configuration via UDP and a host of other features. This product can be accessed
by applying to your XMOS sales representative.
3. Examine the application code. In xTIMEcomposer Studio navigate to the
directory under app_sk_muart_com_demo and double click on the main.xc file
within it. The file will open in the central editor window.
4. This code employs three cores. The par{} statement at the bottom of
instances the MultiUART by calling it’s server function,
This is a function which does not return and runs the MultiUART and uses two
cores (one for 8 UART Tx, and another for 8 UART Rx) . It also instances a logical
core running
. This uart_manager is the demo application code
which displays the help menu, effects the 8 channel loopback and so on.
5. Since only one call is made to
in the
why does it say above that two cores actually used by this component? To see
why, navigate to the
in the Project Explorer pane, double-
click to open its contents and then navigate to the
directory and open
in the editor by double clicking it. Now it is possible to see
the two cores used by the Multi-UART - there is another
statement which
calls the
server functions causing
them to be executed on separate cores.
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