Many of these tests will detect one or more defective proces-
sors if present. It is also possible that your computer will
freeze when running one of these tests. If this is the case, you
may have a problem that requires technical support.
• Divide Test
Detects defective processors
• Task Speed Test
Determines that all processors
are operating at full speed
• Scheduling Test
Ensures all processors are
available for multiprocessing
• SCSI Test
Runs a short read/write test on
each mounted volume, including
AppleShare volumes, and reports
any errors detected.
• Memory Test
Performs an exhaustive memory
test on all free memory
(all memory not being used at
the time the test is run).
When you choose this option, the following dialog appears:
Memory test window
Chapter 4 - PowerPack: PowerFrax Software
About PowerFrax
PowerFrax is a benchmarking application that generates frac-
tals from the classic Mandelbrot set. The fractal patterns that
are shown on the screen are the result of intense floating
point calculations performed for each pixel in the image.
The length of time required to perform these calculations is
a good measure of the capabilities of the processor or proces-
sors performing them. PowerFrax has a built-in timer that
allows comparisons to be easily made. Clicking and dragging
will work in any fractal window.
Installing PowerFrax software
Installation of the PowerFrax software is fully automatic. This
Installer will install both PowerFrax and PowerControl on
your system by creating an XLR8 folder on your Startup Disk.
1. After booting your Macintosh, insert the XLR8 CD-Rom.
2. Open the Power Pack Folder and review the ReadMe files
on the disk for any last minute changes or updates.
3. Launch the Installer program by double-clicking the
installer icon in the software disk’s desktop window, or by
selecting the icon, then selecting “Open” in the File menu
while working at the desktop level.
Chapter 4 - PowerPack: PowerControl Software