Xirrus XR-520 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

XR-520 Q

6) Log


to ac


for an




Be aw










If you


At th

Quick Installat

g In to th

TE: If you are

d, and you m

cess CLI or t

TE: If you are

/manage thi

n extended p

ss to the AP.

blish a netwo

ess assigned

ult host nam

ware of the f

y default, th
efault is a st

care to ensu

ecting the AP

To connect to

s the AP: set

omputer dir

emporarily (


f the assigne


console por

onsole port. 

bout Xircon.

ur browser r
agement Inte

he login prom

tion Guide 

he AP 

e a Xirrus Cl

may skip all 

the Web Ma

e a Xirrus Cl

is AP. In the 

period of tim


ork connecti

d by your DH

me, which is i


he AP tries to

tatic IP addr

ure that your

P to the netw

o the AP in th

t your IP add

. If this subn

rectly to the A

(this port ma

d IP address

e with any X

rt, so Xircon 

See “Secure


reports a Sec

erface (WMI

mpt, enter th

loud custom

of the rema

anagement In

loud custom

event that y

me, you may 

ion to the AP

HCP server. 

its serial num

o obtain an I

ess of 10.0.2

r network is


his case, you

dress to be in

net is already

AP by conne

ay be called 

s is unknow

XR-520 on the

has been sp

e Low Level 

curity except


he default us

- 10 -


mer, your APs

ining steps (

nterface und

mer, wait five

your connect

contact Xirr

P using a we

If you are u

mber (for exa

IP address v

.1 with a ma

s not using th

u must set yo

n the 10.0.2.x

y in use on y

ecting the co


wn, you may 

e local netw

ecifically de

Access to th

tion, accept i

ser name / pa

s are comple

(6, 7 and 8). 

der normal o

e minutes, th

tion to the C

rus technica

eb browser. I

using DHCP 

ample, XR08

via DHCP. If

ask of 255.25

the IP

our compute

xx subnet, a

your networ
omputer to t

H port or the

use the Xirr

ork. Note th

esigned to su

he AP” in Ste

it and contin

assword (the

etely manag

In fact, you 
perating cir

hen log on to

Cloud has be

al support fo

In the URL f

and DNS, u


f it cannot do

55.255.0 on it

IP address pr

er to be in th

and set its su

rk, you may 

the power in
e DATA por

rus Xircon ut

hat the XR-52

ubstitute for 

ep 8 for mor

nue on to the

e default is 


ged by XMS 

will not be 


o XMS Clou
een interrupt

or help with 

field, enter t

use the AP's 


o so, the fact

ts Gigabit PO

rior to 

he same subn

ubnet mask t

connect you

njector’s IN p

rt on your 

tility to 

20 does not h

the use of a

re informatio

e AP’s Web 


for bo





d to 



the IP 











Содержание XR-520

Страница 1: ...High Performance Wireless Networks QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE XR Series Wireless Access Points April 1 2013 XR500 Series ...

Страница 2: ...ion Guide tered tradem ctive holders ices Warnin Wireless Array This docume the written c mber 812 008 mark of Xirru s ngs Complia y User s Guid ent may not consent of Xi 85 004 Revis us Inc All o ance Stateme de be reproduc irrus Inc sion B Apri other tradem ents and W ced or disclo il 2013 marks and br Warranty and osed in whol and names a d License le or in part are by ...

Страница 3: ...ement optio ivity in area uired to insta nitial power Wireless Arra owing It ry kits unle e a smoke de essory Kit NT dered separa cking plate a t contains an ews 1 4 inch pply a zip tie o attach the w mounting T mounting pla with the XR white do no 1 ion Gu new class of rtfolio With ligence auto onal the XR s of low to m all the XR 52 up procedu y User s Gui ems ess you are g etector as de ately T...

Страница 4: ... igabit port P formation connected to hat cabling i lines Xirrus Locatio he ceiling w tral to your u g location mu acket about ecommend t st 50 feet bet ctrical devic g Slug O to its moun vided in the R 520 chassi bubble on the label at the 2 figure the XR cal managem ork owered via P hat also carr E compliant XR 520 is po work connect PoGE Injecto o PoGE netw is not expos s PoGE Injec on with or ...

Страница 5: ...eiling lockin 0 mounting e locking slu ate or wall b a customer s to perman unting H nstalled direc grid or on a raphs ng holes in the w hree holes in ks in place ng plate or w plate and in g will align racket supplied zip nently secur ardware ctly on a nor a wall The s wall mounti n the XR 520 3 wall mountin nstall the XR with the hol p tie lock re the AP e and XR rmal ceiling teps for each ing p...

Страница 6: ...ac wall for the d to the wall e the mounti nting plate to ed screws as nting locatio weight of the pounds tota ots in the ba rresponding 0 chassis up 0 to the righ ed in the acc the XR 520 m provided in ar equivalen ng plate cket as a tem mounting h in 3 places ing plate is l o the wall us s shown here on must be c XR 520 and al ack of the XR g tabs in the on the moun ht until it sna 4 cessory kit...

Страница 7: ...e to the XR 5 the screws p at may appea 520 mountin es on the XR f the four T ps must be o bar clips on w posts to 10 mounting p of the lockin mounting pla rid Mounti y required if locking plate n the XR 520 ed in the acc 520 mountin provided in ar equivalen ng plate R 520 mount bar clips on ordered separ nto the meta 0 12 lbf ft 1 5 late feed a z ng slug and t te ing f you wish to e over the 0 mo...

Страница 8: ...h a sufficien ed 0 mounting e it to the fou en the nuts t ghten ots in the ba esponding ta re ounting stud ps from XN white do n able in the ce nt length to a plate over th ur T bar clip to 10 12 lbf f ack of the XR abs in the XR 6 ds that are f or XS Array not use old cl eiling tile an attach to the he T Bar clip ps using the n ft 1 38 1 66 k R 520 chassis R 520 moun furnished wi ys with the X li...

Страница 9: ...top o n the ceiling g Mountin nd 2 are only ed holes in the l hree holes in rews provid e to the XR 5 the screws p at may appea 520 mountin on the moun ht until it sna mounting p of the lockin mounting p ng with Mo y required if locking plate n the XR 520 ed in the acc 520 mountin provided in ar equivalen ng plate 7 nting plate t aps in place late feed a z ng slug and t plate ounting P f you wish ...

Страница 10: ... for t ole for the ca sufficient len ed 0 mounting cure it with ots in the ba rresponding 0 chassis up 0 to the righ R 520 to the ded zip tie o e in the top o n the locking R 520 mount s to install in an appropri the screws as able in the ce ngth to attac plate over th the screws ack of the XR g tabs in the on the moun ht until it sna mounting p r other locki of the lockin g plate 8 ting plate to ...

Страница 11: ...ck o m the ceiling ads and rota the screw he he Cable red by the G supplied in 520 is only po or 802 3af or pplied to the ernet cable ca s indicated ng withou of the XR 52 appropriate unting site T ommended t be disassem o tighten the wo mounting use the Direc wish ling so that t ounting surf of the XR 520 Push the XR ate the XR 52 eads es igabit Ethern njector modu owered thro r 802 3at PoE Gigab...

Страница 12: ...called s is unknow XR 520 on the has been sp e Low Level curity except I he default us 10 mer your APs ining steps nterface und mer wait five your connect contact Xirr P using a we If you are u mber for exa IP address v 1 with a ma s not using th u must set yo n the 10 0 2 x y in use on y ecting the co the SWITCH wn you may e local netw ecifically de Access to th tion accept i ser name pa s are co...

Страница 13: ...XR 520 Q You a 7 Con Click Quick Installat are now logg nfigure t k Express Se tion Guide ged in to the the AP tup e Wireless A 11 AP ...

Страница 14: ...for con Secure Shell console port tablish an en s incorrect X e console por controlled S to both XBL 12 s and obtain ensing funct e the full fun oth the defa n User and N rivilege Lev and passwo gs section cl er right to sa to set up ena ke the addit he Wireless A l configurati ure near the Express Setu all of the sett to the A e Web Mana r level interf You won t n per security wn as instruc Admin...

Страница 15: ...lly bein to both XBL username an recover from ave Xircon ac e setting the ce the defaul ick CLI unde el is to be all d from the d nd newpassw oot env ot set us ot set pa ot save onment ot exit access perm nly See the X ton AP to factory reboot the XR he reset butt 13 ng locked ou L and CLI on nd password m a lost pas ccess to XBL unit to fact lt XBL usern er the Tools lowed use t default value wor...

Страница 16: ...R 520 D in Quick Installat the cable in ry default re ings 0 Mounting imensions ches mm tion Guide and continu eset during t g Bracket ue to keep th the boot proc t 14 he button pre cess essed for 10 seconds Th his triggers th he ...

Страница 17: ...ting B cal Env ensions WxD ght 1 1 lb 0 rating Tempe tion Guide g Bracket Bracket ironmen DxH 7 70 x 50 kg erature 0 55 ntal Spe x 7 70 x 1 96 5C 32 131F 15 cificatio in 19 56 x F 0 90 hum ons 19 56 x 4 98 midity non c cm condensing Dimensions inches mm Dimensions inches mm s m ...

Страница 18: ...plate to as directed in tion Guide Dir mark the loc n Step 4d D rect Mou cation of the Direct Ceiling 16 unting T e screws for m g Mounting Template mounting th without Mo e he Access Po ounting Plat Dimensions inches mm oint directly e on page 9 to a ...

Страница 19: ...XR 520 Q Quick Installat tion Guide N 17 Notes ...

Страница 20: ...rus log of their respect 800 947 7871 T 1 805 262 1600 1 805 262 1601 01 Corporate C ousand Oaks C o is a registere tive owners Co Toll Free in the 0 Sales 1 Fax Center Drive CA 91320 USA ed trademark o ontent subject e US A To le xirrus emai 812 0 of Xirrus Inc to change wit arn more visit s com or l info xirrus 0085 004B thout notice s com ...
