NetDisk™ User Manual Network Direct Attached Storage / NDAS™
I am getting a "Data has been corrupted" message on my computer when I try to open up or copy a
file. What should I do?
Windows comes with a utility called "Scan Disk.” Open up "My Computer," right-click on your
NetDisk drive letter and click on "Properties.” Go to the "Tools" tab and then click on the "Check Now"
button under "Error-Checking."
When I try to copy something to my NetDisk, why does the following show up: “Cannot copy NetDisk
Administrator: The disk is write-protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk.”?
You do not have Read / Write access. Click on the NetDisk Icon in your bottom-right system tray. Go to
your NetDisk and then click on "Enable Read/Write."
I getting this error message: “The device ‘Generic volume’ cannot be stopped right now. Try
stopping the device again later.”?
Close any windows that are displaying your NetDisk and retry what you were trying to do. If you
continue to get that error message, try rebooting your computer.
I have plugged in NetDisk to my USB port and cannot see NetDisk in My Computer.
Please make sure that both Dip Switches on the back of NetDisk are in the “UP” position. You must
power off NetDisk completely before doing so. Try plugging NetDisk into a different USB port on your
computer and see if that works. If using Windows ME, Linux, or MAC, please make sure that NetDisk
is formatted in a supported files system. Windows ME requires FAT32. LINUX and MAC have their
own file systems, but also support FAT32 as well. It is up to you to choose the appropriate one.
My NetDisk shows up as a Black dot when used with USB.
When used with USB mode, the NetDisk Software not needed, therefore you will see a Black Dot
(disconnected) in the system tray as that is an indicator for NDAS (Ethernet) mode.
My NetDisk cannot be seen when used with an 802.11b wireless router.
Please check your connection speed. Although it may say that connection is “Excellent”, speed may not
be the same. There is also a compatibility issue when used with DLINK, SMC and US Robotics