Zynq Ult VCU TRD User Guide
UG1250 (v2019.1) May 29, 2019
Chapter 1:
This user guide describes the architecture of the reference design and provides a functional
description of its components. It is organized as follows:
(this chapter) provides a high-level overview of the Zynq
Ult MPSoC architecture, the reference design architecture, and a summary of
key features.
Chapter 2, Targeted Reference Design Details
gives an overview of the design modules
and design components that make up this reference design.
Chapter 3, APU Software Platform
describes the APU software platform covering the
middleware and operating system layers of the Linux software stack and the Linux
GStreamer application running on the APU.
Chapter 4, System Considerations
describes system architecture considerations
including boot flow, system address map, video buffer formats, and performance
describes the hardware platform of the design including
key PS and PL peripherals.
Appendix A, Input Configuration File
lists additional resources and references.