switch off feature, check first if your servo is compatible, or use a analog servo. The
Hitech and Multiplex digital servos we have tested are not suitable, but JR 8511 is.
Motor delay:
To replicate the operation of full size landing gears, it is possible to set a programmable
delay for each motor operation.
First screen on this section is the delay in seconds of the main, left gear when Gear Up
is selected. “Gear Up Delay Main Left” is displayed on the screen. Use the +/- buttons
to set the time you want the controller wait before the left main motor is operated since
the Gear Up command is selected.
Second screen is the delay time on the same gear (main left) motor operation when
“gear down” is selected.
Next screens adjust same delays for right mains and nose gear. Please note that you
can use this function to insert a delay from door operation to gear operation by
programming same delay on all 3 motors.
Steering servo processor:
The steering servo is controlled trough the unit to assure that the nose wheel is
centered to a defined position during retraction and does not move while the gear is
retracted. Over this function, a signal processor is added that allow modifying the
center, gain and direction of operation of the steering when the gear is down. Thus, it is
possible to take the steering input signal from the same channel as the rudder, despite
the different centering, sense of movement and travel between these two servos,
saving one RC channel.
Connect the Steering input to the desired RX channel for the steering (or troughs a “Y”
lead on the rudder channel).
If you use same signal as the rudder, first setup the rudder centering and travel. Once
you are satisfied with the rudder operation, connect the steering servo and proceed to
First adjustment is the position of the steering servo at retracted position. Using the
rudder channel of your TX, set the servo to the position you want it when the gear is
being retracted and stored. Press the “+” button to store the setting in the permanent
Next adjustment is the centering of the servo in deployed position. Double check that
the rudder is centered, and then using the + and – buttons center the steering servo.
Finally, check the steering travel and sense. A range of adjustment from –200% to
+200% is provided. Positive numbers mean same direction as rudder, negative
numbers mean reverse operation. A 100% setting give same travel and direction as the
rudder servo, -100% give same travel but reverse operation, 200% travel mean double
travel than rudder, 50% give half movement. Once you set the travel and sense, it is