Do not carry the weight that is over the maximum load per person allowed by
local laws or regulations. Before moving or installing equipment, check the
maximum equipment weight and arrange required personnel.
Wear clean protective gloves, ESD clothing, a protective hat, and protective
shoes, as shown in
Figure 8-1
Safety work wear
Before touching a device, wear ESD clothing and gloves (or wrist strap), and
remove any conductive objects (such as watches and jewelry).
shows conductive objects that must be removed before you touch a device.
Figure 8-2
Removing conductive objects
shows how to wear an ESD wrist strap.
Put your hands into the ESD wrist strap.
Tighten the strap buckle and ensure that the ESD wrist strap is in contact
with your skin.
Insert the ground terminal attached to the ESD wrist strap into the jack on
the grounded rack or chassis.
FusionServer 1288H V6 Server
Technical White Paper
8 Safety Instructions
Issue 10 (2023-04-30)
Copyright © xFusion Digital Technologies Co., Ltd.