Xerox Multi-Function Device Security Target
2013 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Evaluation Assurance Level
: An assurance package, consisting of
assurance requirements drawn from CC Part 3, representing a point on the
CC predefined assurance scale.
External Interface:
A non-hardcopy interface where either the input is being
received from outside the TOE or the output is delivered to a destination
outside the TOE.
: an entity in the TOE that performs processing, storage, or
transmission of data that may be present in the TOE.
Hardcopy Device (HCD)
: A system producing or utilizing a physical
embodiment of an electronic document or image. These systems include
printers, scanners, fax machines, digital copiers, MFPs (multifunction
peripherals), MFDs (multifunction devices), “all-in-ones”, and other similar
products. See also: multifunction device.
Hardcopy Output Handler
: Mechanisms for transferring User Document
Data in hardcopy form out of the HCD.
: A representation (e.g., a string) uniquely identifying an Authorized
User, which can either be the full or abbreviated name of that User or a
Information assurance
: Information operations that protect and defend
information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity,
authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. This includes providing
for restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection,
and reaction capabilities.
Information Technology (IT)
: The hardware, firmware and software used as
part of a system to collect, create, communicate, compute, disseminate,
process, store or control data or information.
: (A) A condition in which data has not been changed or destroyed in
an unauthorized way. (B) A security policy pertaining to the corruption of data
and security function mechanisms.
: A document processing task submitted to the hardcopy device. A single
processing task may process one or more documents.
Multifunction Device (MFD)
Multifunction Product (MFP)
: A hardcopy
device that fulfills multiple purposes by using multiple functions in different
combinations to replace several, single function devices.
: A pseudo-role that cannot be assigned to any User.
Nonvolatile storage
: Computer storage that is not cleared when the power is
turned off.
Normal User
: A User who is authorized to perform User Document Data
processing functions of the TOE.
: A passive entity in the TOE, that contains or receives information,
and upon which subjects perform operations.