Customer Support
Page 25
PostScript Fonts
The following PostScript fonts are resident with Adobe interpreter.
Font Name
PostScript Font Name
Albertus /AlbertusMT
Albertus Italic
Albertus Light
Antique Olive Roman
Antique Olive Italic
Antique Olive Bold
Antique Olive Compact
Apple Chancery
Arial /ArialMT
Arial Italic
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Oblique
Bodoni Roman
Bodoni Italic
Bodoni Bold
Bodoni Bold Italic
Bodoni Poster
Bodoni Poster Compressed
ITC Bookman Light
ITC Bookman Light Italic
ITC Bookman Demi
ITC Bookman Demi Italic
Carta /Carta
Chicago /Chicago
Clarendon Roman
Clarendon Bold
Clarendon Light
Cooper Black
Cooper Black Italic /CooperBlack-Italic
Copperplate Gothic 32BC
Copperplate Gothic 33BC
Coronet /Coronet-Regular
Courier /Courier
Courier Oblique
Courier Bold
Courier Bold Oblique /Courier-BoldOblique
Eurostile Medium
Eurostile Bold
Eurostile Extended No. 2
Eurostile Bold Extended No. 2
Geneva /Geneva