SSeelleeccttiinngg M
Maaiillbbooxx O
With the optional mailbox option installed on the printer, you can send prints to a specific mailbox
bin right from your desktop computer.
1. From the
Printing Options
tab, locate the
Output Destination
option, then select one of the
mailbox bins.
2. Click
The prints are delivered to the selected mailbox bin.
Ussiinngg SSppeecciiaall PPaaggeess
The Special Pages options control how covers, inserts, and exception pages are added to your printed
• For Windows, the Special Pages tab is on the Document Options tab.
• For Macintosh, in the Print window, in Xerox Features, Special Pages is in the Paper field for Paper/
PPrriinnttiinngg C
Coovveerr PPaaggeess
A cover page is the first or last page of a document. You can select paper sources for the cover pages
that are different from the source used for the body of a document. For example, you can use your
company letterhead for the first page of a document. You can also use heavyweight paper for the
first and last pages of a report. You can use any applicable paper tray as the source for printing cover
Select one of these options for printing cover pages:
No Covers
: This option does not print cover pages. No cover pages are added to the document.
Front Only
: This option prints the first page on paper from the specified tray.
Back Only
: This option prints the back page on paper from the specified tray.
Front and Back: Same
prints the front and back cover pages from the same tray.
Front and Back: Different
prints the front and back cover pages from different trays.
After making a selection for printing the cover pages, you can select the paper for the front and back
covers by size, color, or type. You can also use blank or pre-printed paper, and you can print side one,
side two, or both sides of the cover pages.
PPrriinnttiinngg IInnsseerrtt PPaaggeess
You can add blank or pre-printed insert pages before page one of each document or after designated
pages within a document. Adding an insert after designated pages within a document separates
sections, or acts as a marker or placeholder. Ensure that you specify the paper to use for the insert
Insert Options
provides the options to place an insert After Page X, where X is the specified page,
or Before Page 1.
Insert Quantity
specifies the number of pages to insert at each location.
C500 Color Printer
User Guide