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recognize the custom size. This size must match the size selected in the application used on your
client desktop.
Two-sided printing is not recommended, however, it is possible to print two-sided tabbed inserts. To
do this, load tabbed stock into the trays such that the short edge is fed first (SEF), and reverse the “x”
and “y” dimensions as directed above.
When designing a typical 5-bank tab job, page setup size must be set to 11” x 9” Tab positions
should be centered at 1
”, 3
”, 5
”, 7
”, and 9
” respectively. It is also recommended that you
maintain a distance of
" from the top of the landscape edge and the text space per tab should be
limited to 1
Sc ored Mat erials
Scoring creates a crease in a sheet of paper, usually heavyweight, for applications such as greeting
cards and trifold brochures. These types of materials can be run from any tray in either LEF or SEF
orientations, however, feeding performance will be optimized with score lines running parallel to the
tray feed direction.
Please be aware that the xerographic process has limitations when transferring toner onto a sheet of
paper close to any scores because of a depression or bump on the paper as a result of the scoring
process. The printed output will exhibit a deletion near the score if printed areas are too close. To
avoid this deletion of image or text, jobs should be designed with printed areas at least ¼ inch (6.4
mm) away from the score.
Coat ed One-sided Papers (C1S)
Coated one-sided papers (C1S) can be run from all trays. Most C1S papers are sold using points of
thickness rather than weight. Refer to the
Recommended Materials List
for the appropriate weight
settings to use for Xerox Digital Color Supreme Gloss C1S papers. As a general rule, 8 pt. C1S
grades should be run in the 136 – 186 gsm setting, 10 pt. should be run in the 187 – 300 gsm setting,
and 12 pt. and 14 pt. papers should be run in the 187 – 300 gsm range. Since many materials over
14 pts. of thickness will exceed the image transfer and feeding / transport capabilities of the
DocuColor 5000AP print engine, it is recommended to purchase small quantities to ensure your
expectations are met, prior to committing to large runs.
C1S papers are commonly used in high-quality applications with high toner coverage on the coated
side. Image quality on the coated side will be very good; however, due to the inherent properties of
the paper, the second side will exhibit very different print quality. If superior image quality is required
for both sides, Xerox Digital Color Elite / Select Gloss and Silk (C2S) products are recommended.
DuraPaper (Teslin®-lik e Mat erials)
DuraPaper and other Teslin-like materials are synthetic single layer sheets that print and feel like
paper yet are durable and waterproof like plastic. They usually have some tear and abrasion
resistance, making them an ideal printing choice for demanding uses such as tags, menus, labels