Release 1.7
© XCOM Avionics 2005 Page
Remote toggle (toggle active or standby or scroll memory channels via a push
button on the stick – only available when copilot PTT is not used)
Transmitter (TX) timeout (stuck mic) which turns off transmitter after 30
seconds (user adjustable). TX is re-enabled by releasing and re-pressing PTT.
99 memory channels (10 NOAA, 1 priority 121.500 and 88 user defined
memory channels).
Memory channels scanning.
10 preset NOAA weather channels (suitable for USA only)
Dual Watch - allows monitoring of the active frequency while listening on the
standby frequency. The active frequency has priority.
User enabled wide receive mode - allows monitoring of the VOR frequencies
between 108 and 118 MHz., the normal airband up to 137 MHz. and then up
to 163 MHz., in 25 kHz. steps. All frequencies, when enabled, can be stored in
memory channels.
RS232 interface allowing control of radio functions and programming of
memories. Future revisions may allow upgrade of the internal firmware via
internet download. (This feature to be introduced during 2005/6)
Low battery alert with user selectable alert levels for under voltage (default is
10.5 vdc.) and over voltage (default is 14.5 vdc.)
Optional MARS / CAP capability (special order to be introduced during 2005/6
subject to FCC approvals)
XCOM Avionics reserves the right to update this manual as product enhancements
are made throughout the life of this product. The actual release number of this
manual is printed on the bottom of the pages for easy reference and the latest
version can always be downloaded from the XCOM web site.
Please note that this manual is accurate for the software version denoted on the
front cover page. Features may vary between software versions and some features
may not be available in all XCOM radios.
Manual Release Information
Release Date
January 04
Original draft of document
May 04
Release of manual to public
July 04
Addition of aerial safety information re: FCC Request
July 04
Addition of certification approvals FCC and FAA
December 04
Addition of new features in manual, release Version 120 software
January 05
Fixed wrong number for Low Volts page 13
June 2005
Updated to Software version 120 build 0034
July 2005
Spelling and grammar changes