Application Advisory
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or PRINTER on the Macintosh). On the PC, you will probably have a mouse plugged into
one port, usually COM1. You will then have to use COM2 for the ZPR68-10.
With the cable plugged into the selected serial port and the ZPR68-10, turn everything
on and run the program. Lock the CAPS LOCK key on your keyboard. Type the following
keys, one-at-a-time, do not press ENTER or RETURN:
?01V= [question-mark, zero, one, capital-vee, equals-sign]
The monitor will show a two digit number between 00 and 40 followed by a CR. For
example 35CR. If there is a communications problem, the monitor will show a hyphen
and a carriage return - CR.
What is the significance of all of these characters? In ?01V 25CR, the ? indicates that
we are querying the ZPR68-10. We are determining what it is set to. The 01 indicates
that we want to know something about output zone 1. The V indicates that we are
interested in the volume level. The ZPR68-10 responds that the level is 25. And, finally,
the CR indicates that the data bits exchanged are correct. If there is a communications
problem, the ZPR68-10 will respond with a - CR.
The output zones on a ZPR68-10 are factory preset 01 through 06 and EXP9 output
zones are factory preset 07 through 15. They can, however, be programmed for other
two-digit numbers as outlined in appendix 1.
The functions which can be queried, in addition to the volume (V), are the treble (T), the
bass (B), the input source number (I), the state of the STATUSterminal on the four-pin
ZONE CONTROL - IR INPUT connector(C), the mute (M), and the flag (A).
Two digit numbers are used to indicate volume level and tone control settings. The
volume and tone levels change at 2dB per step. The numbers are related to level in dB
as shown in the examples in these tables-
VOLUME LEVEL (40 steps)