12 Ilumina GL Users Guide
• The Network and Con
guration Guide provides machine con
guration and
network con
guration information. This is an electronic document stored on
the Documentation CD.
• The Software Installation Guide details consumable items and optional
accessories and describes how to install them. These are paper documents
that are packaged with the consumables and optional accessories.
• Online Help features online information accessible from the Ilumina driver
and utility software.
Online Usage
This guide is intended to be read on screen using an Adobe Acrobat Reader. Use the
navigation and viewing tools provided in Acrobat.
You can access speci
c information in two ways:
• In the list of bookmarks down the left hand side of your screen, click on
the topic of interest to jump to the required topic. (If the bookmarks are not
available, use the “Table of Contents”.)
• In the list of bookmarks, click on Index to jump to the Index. (If the
bookmarks are not available, use the “Table of Contents”.) Find the term of
interest in the alphabetically arranged index and click on the associated page
number to jump to the page containing the term.
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From the toolbar, select [File], then [Print] (or press the Ctrl + P keys on PC
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