2-40 Installation
To connect your printer and computer using the serial port
Turn the power off to your printer and computer.
Plug the 9-pin male connector on the serial cable into the
printer’s serial port.
Plug the other connector (either a 25-pin or a 9-pin female
connector) into the computer’s serial port.
Turn on your computer and then the printer.
Install and configure the printer driver and PPD following the
procedures in chapter 4, “PC Setup.”
Before you print, make sure your computer and printer are set to use
the same baud rate, flow control and parity settings.
The factory default printer settings are 9600 baud, XON/XOFF flow
control, No Parity (None), and 8 data bits. These settings are used in
most serial printing environments.
See your computer manual for details on checking and changing
settings. You can check and change the printer’s serial interface
settings using the front panel menus (see “Selecting Menu Options”
in chapter 5).
Baud Rate
Baud rate is the rate at which serial data is sent between the computer
and the printer. Your printer supports 1200, 9600, and 19200 baud rates.
The factory default is 9600.
Flow Control
Flow control is the mechanism the printer uses to signal the
computer that it is ready to accept data. Your printer supports
XON/XOFF (software) and DTR/DSR (hardware) flow control.
XON/XOFF is the printer’s factory default. Incorrect flow control
settings cause erratic serial printing.