Options 9-15
RAM banks must be filled in order from the back
(Bank 1) to the front (Bank 4). If you mix 4 and 16
MB RAM upgrades, any 16 MB SIMMs must be
installed first followed by 4 MB SIMM. For example,
if you have two 16 MB and one 4 MB SIMMs, the 16
MB SIMMs should be in Banks 1 and 2 and the 4 MB
SIMM in Bank 3. Then, if you purchase a 16 MB
upgrade, you should remove the 4 MB SIMM from
Bank 3 and replace it with the 16 MB upgrade; then
install the 4 MB SIMM in Bank 4.
If there is an open bank and the upgrade SIMM is the
same size or smaller than those in filled banks, skip to
step d.
Use your thumbs to pull open the two bank latches, one
on each end (fig. 9.12).
Fig. 9.12 Open the Bank Latches