Safety Guidelines
• Please make sure that you have completed a drone pilot training program, passed the exam and obtained a
UAS operator certificate prescribed by laws and regulations where the product is used before use. Otherwise,
you shall NOT operate the product.
• Instead of operating alone, the beginner should seek help from a veteran beforehand and operate the aircraft
accompanied by a veteran.
• It is necessary to observe the surroundings in advance to ensure an open operation area with no buildings and
obstructions around, clear of electromagnetic interference sources including high-voltage lines, base stations
and radio towers, far away from obstacles and crowds and free from potential hazards. Please refrain from
indoor flying.
• For safety purposes, it is advisable to remove all propellers before each flight or after firmware update until
you conduct a trial run of the aircraft, inspect the remote control devices, motors and other modules and
ensure everything is in order.
• Please see that all parts and components are intact and that those aging or broken are replaced promptly
before each flight. All devices should be sufficiently charged. When the battery gets low during operation, you
should return the aircraft immediately and replace the battery.
• Please see that areas where the aircraft is going to fly have strong and stable signal coverage since sustained
RTK and 4G networks are essential for the aircraft to function properly.
• It is required to keep the firmware and the "XAG One" App up to date before each flight.
• You should strictly observe local laws and regulations on flying agricultural drones, including but not limited
to the rules on flight height, flight area and visual line of sight.
• It is advisable to use the product on sunny, cloudy or overcast days with winds of force 3 or below. NEVER use
it in adverse weather conditions including rain, snow, frost, fog, thunder, hail, dust storm and gale or in an area
with strong electromagnetic interference.
• Hover and return the aircraft immediately when encountering bad weather, such as gale, rain, snow or hail,
or other cause preventing operation. In case of conditions unfavorable for returning, hover and fly the aircraft
toward a safe place nearby immediately.
• Please ensure that the aircraft does not carry a load beyond the safe takeoff weight specified in this User
Manual. Overload, a safety hazard, is NEVER allowed.
• To prevent impurities from clogging the tubes, please mix pesticide with clean and purified water and filter it
before adding it to the tank.
• Be cautious when preparing and spraying pesticides. Using personal protective equipment is highly advisable.
Refrain from direct contact with the pesticide. Avoid splashes that may result in damage to the aircraft and
bodily injury. (See page 21 for "Precautions for Pesticide Preparation")
• Before spraying, please see that propellers are damage free with no adhering contaminants. Also, they should
be securely installed with blades fully spread out. Motors on the aircraft should be clean and intact. Ensure the
spraying system runs smoothly.
• Before spraying, please see that the space around the takeoff point and that along the route is open and far
from crowds. Besides, select an appropriate height for takeoff/return according to the working environment.
• Pay attention to environmental protection when preparing and spraying pesticides. It is prohibited to pollute
rivers and drinking water sources.
• Make sure to keep the aircraft in sight and stay alert for obstacles throughout the operation. Autonomous
obstacle avoidance will not work when the obstacle avoidance module fails to recognize some obstacle due to
its special material, size, shape and position. In that case, please maneuver the aircraft manually at once.
• Ensure strong and stable GNSS signal coverage throughout the operation, or it may lead to task failure.
• No crowd, animal or obstacle is allowed to stay near the spinning propeller which is hazardous. NEVER
approach or touch the running propeller and motor with anything. NEVER wear loose-fitting clothing around
propellers that could pose an entanglement hazard.
• NEVER install/remove any module or insert/extract any circuit while the power is on.
• Please charge the battery of the remote controller or aircraft when it falls to 20% to avoid damage to the
device caused by overdischarge of the battery stored at a low charge state for a long time. By the same token,