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When is it time to Calibrate your Soldering & Hot Air Station?
All X-Tronic Stations come with a high quality heating element
in the soldering iron and hot air gun that are calibrated to within
±1.8°F/1.0°C of the temperature that is shown on the LED Display.
While calibrating to the exact temperature is the ultimate goal,
this heating element and tip/nozzle design are as close as can be
achieved with this technology.
The age of the heating element, the hours of use, and the
temperature at which the soldering iron/hot air gun are regularly
used will affect the life of the heating element and can cause
fatigue. When a heating element begins to fatigue, the heat that
is transferred to the tip/blowing air from the heating element will
begin to drop. If the typical temperature used to solder/desolder
is not working as well as when it was new, then it might be time to
calibrate the unit.
• The heating elements are a consumable part for soldering
irons and hot air guns. There will come a time when the
heating element stops working due to age and/or too much
deterioration. At this point, it will need to be replaced and
cannot be calibrated. Heating elements for this unit can be
found on our website (XTronicUSA.com).
• For best results, you should only calibrate the temperature for
one component at a time.