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The last line shows the version number and issued date. Wizard
Field Name
Please select the proper network mode according to the network condition. VP-1003 provide
three different network settings:
Static: If your ISP server provides you the static IP address, please select this mode, then
finish Static Mode setting. If you don’t know about parameters of Static Mode setting,
please ask your ISP for them.
DHCP: In this mode, you will get the information from the DHCP server automatically;
need not to input this information artificially.
PPPoE: In this mode, your must input your ADSL account and password.
You can also refer to 3.2.1 Network setting to speed setting your network.
Choose Static IP MODE
can config the network and SIP(default SIP1)simply,
also can browse too. Click
can return to the last page.
Static IP Address
Input the IP address distributed to you.
Input the Netmask distributed to you.
Input the Gateway address distributed to you.
DNS Domain
Set DNS domain postfix. When the domain which you input can
not be parsed, phone will automatically add this domain to the end
of the domain which you input before and parse it again.