Operation m
Forward speed according situation paraglider
forward speed
not disconnected
(paraglider not deformed)
0 - 3 km|h
one side disconnected
good | stable
4 - 7 km|h
both sides disconnected
very good | very stable
7 - 12 km|h
very good
Landing with the rescue device
Especially when triggered at low altitude the upright position in the harness is important. If you have a shoulder
mount to the harness, it usually brings you in an upright position. It is essential to ensure that the glider doesn´t
deform the rescue device just before the ground.
It is important to note the following when landing on the rescue:
• upright pilot position
• legs together and knees slightly bent
• be ready to roll over yourself
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Potential errors and hazards
error in the deployment
rescue response | hazard
pilot reaction
release handle can not be achieved
rescue can not be triggered
compatibility-check after
each complete new
closure on the outer container
can not be opened
rescue can not be triggered
c-check after each complete
new installation
inner container is not thrown
away aggressively
rescue does not open or
very delayed
strongly pull on the lines or riser of
the rescue, pull second rescue