If the issue persists, the camera may be defective, please contact
Wyze Support
Cannot Scan the QR Code
Here is a video that shows how to scan the QR code and offers some tips for common issues:
QR Code Scan Video
1. Turn off any bright light sources in the area (such as a nearby lamp). Make sure the
lens of the Wyze Cam is clean. (no fingerprints)
2. Hold your phone's screen steady in front of your Wyze Cam, and move /adjust the
distance slowly. Hold still at the new distance for 5 seconds to give your Wyze Cam
time to adjust to the new distance.
3. If you a using a tablet (larger screen), hold the tablet and Wyze Cam a bit farther
apart so that the Wyze Cam can see the entire screen of the tablet.
If no previous steps helped, please perform a
Factory Reset.
If the issue persists, the camera may be defective, please contact
Wyze Support
No Longer Connecting
We sometimes see connection issues with the Wyze Cam, the cause of this can be hard
to narrow down, which is why we provide tools for figuring it out. In most cases we
recommend trying a
Factory Reset
first, and a
test if the issue was not resolved.
Below are a few common connection issue scenarios.
Q: I can connect to my Wyze Cam at home, but not when I am away from home?
A: This can be due to your WiFi network not allowing data to be sent outside of that
network, please perform a
test and send the test result code to your
Q: My camera gets stuck at loading 1/3, 2/3, or 3/3
A: This can be caused by multiple issues, we would recommend as a first step to
restart the app and the camera. If you are still having that issue, you can try a
factory reset
on the camera. If the factory reset has not worked, please perform a
test and send
the test result code to your
Support Ticket
We recommend using this email template below for the fastest service.
Hi Wyze Support,
Wyze Support
Mon-Sat 8am-4pm PT