Thermal Printer Installation Procedure
Page 4 of 7 3/1/2007
displayed on the left. Choose the manufacturer (e.g. if it’s a Zebra printer, then choose Zebra).
The printer models will be displayed on the right. Choose the correct model number for your
printer and click Next. You will then be prompted for a printer name. For the sake of
simplicity, we recommend that you change the name of the printer to THERMAL. You will be
asked if you wish this to be your default printer, so choose No and click Next. It is not
necessary to share the printer so click Next. You will then be asked to print a test page, so
choose yes or no. By now, the printer should be installed, and you can disregard any warning
that might appear about compliance with Windows XP Logo testing.
4) Configure
to print thermal labels.
To configure
to print thermal labels you have to change the label size.
This is located under Preferences on the Account Setup pull-down menu. Choose Preferences,
move down to the Options and Services section, and click on the 4 x 6 inch label size and check
the Autoprint box to automatically print the thermal label. If you did not name your printer
Thermal as mentioned in the step 3, you will need to enter the Windows printer name in the
Thermal printer name box. Click on the save button to save your changes. You are ready to
print thermal printer labels. Note that if you uncheck the Autoprint box, then you will be
prompted to select the printer every time you print an airbill.
******* To Print to Thermal Labels with the DHL Logo *********
(This step requires that you have the Zebra Universal Driver installed. If you have
installed the printer using a driver from a CD, it will need to be re-installed with the
Zebra Universal Driver)
If you have labels that are provided by DHL, which have the DHL logo at the top and a
2 inch by 4 inch tab at the bottom, these may be printed to by 1)selecting the 4 x 8 inch
label size on the Preferences page and clicking Save 2) In Windows, go to Start
Control Panel
Printers. From there, right-click on your thermal printer,
and select Printing Preferences. Double-Click on Paper/Output, and then click on Paper
Size. A “Customize” button will appear – click on it. In the Paper Sizes section, a
Width and Height are listed – change the height to 8.00 inches. You may also wish to
change the Paper Properties at the top to 4.00” x 8.00”. When done, click OK, click OK
again and you are ready print to DHL thermal labels.
Note that there are so many different combinations of operating systems and drivers out there
that you will most likely encounter variations on this installation procedure, and it would be
impossible for us to foresee all of them, so if you’re having trouble printing a thermal label
from the website but also cannot even print a test page from Windows (by going to Settings or
Control Panel, then Printers, and then right-clicking the printer you installed and choose Print
Test Page from Properties), then the printer is probably not installed properly, and the people
who would know most about every possible issue would be the printer’s own technical support
staff. If it’s a Zebra printer, their current number might be (847) 913-2259. The up-to-date
number can be found via the Technical Support link off of the Service & Support menu
) and choosing the model number of the printer