Switch on the transmitter and set the vario control switch to altitude mode/middle position. After vario
switch on and the the following announcement of previous flight values, five beeps are sounded in a
one-second sequence.
Switch the vario control to the integral mode/forward position between the 3
and the 5
beep and
the vario will enter the setup status by announcing the setup parameters in the sequence as
described below, example: “setup 0, 0”, pause, “setup 1, 60”, pause, etc.
In order to change a parameter setting, the control swith is brought back into the middle position
during the announcement of the related parameter.
This starts the announcement of the parameter values from the minimum value up to the maximum
This announcement is repeated until the control switch is brought forward. The current announced
value is stored and repeated for re-check in the voice output.
Leaving the switch in the forward position initiates the next setup position, a.s.o.
The setup procedure can be stopped at any time by switching the vario off.
Setup 0 sets the vario RF channel whereby the first sequence of the announced numbers stands for the tens
digits and the second for the digits. The newly selected channel will be activated with the next vario start-up.
Immediately after the vario start-up, the selected channel is announced on channel 1 which allows to find the
selected channel in cases where it is not known or not remembered.
Setup 0:
RF channel in the range of channel LPD 1 to 69 ; FRS 1 to 14 (default. Channel 1)
Tens digits are selected first, then digits in a second sequence
Setup 1:
Applies if the present altitude is above the take-off altitude. Altitude announcement time
interval between 10 sec and 120 sec (default: 60 sec). In the electric flight mode (Setup 10,
#5) the time interval determines the announcement sequence for consumed motor battery
capacity and its minimum voltage.
Setup 2:
Applies if the present altitude is below the take-off altittude, i.e. slope flying. Altitude
announcement between 10 sec and 60 sec (default: 20 sec).
Setup 3:
Integral vario announcement time interval between 5 sec and 30 sec (default: 20 sec).
Setting “0” stops announcement.
Setup 4:
Speed announcement (speed mode)
#1 Continous announcement (default)
#2 Announcement of maximum value after an acceleration phase
Setup 5:
Vario mode
#1 Standard vario mode without flight time (default)
#2 Standard vario mode with flight time (in minutes)
#3 Altitude announcement after time interval (setup 1 and 2), no 50 m step announced.
Setup 6:
Receiver battery alarm between 4.4 V and 6.0 V (default: 4.7 V)
Setup 7:
Sink threshold between – 2 m/sec and 0 m/sec in steps of 0.1 m/sec (default: 0 m/sec)
Setup 8:
Vario tone mode
#0 Altitude mode only without vario tone (for aero-tow tug pilots)
#1 Sink threshold = climb threshold (no zero lift identification). The climb tone is pulsed with
a 50% duty cycle, the sink tone is continous.
This mode corresponds to the previous Classic Sound varios from WSTECH.
#2 No vario tone between sink- and climb threshold (“zero lift fade out”), climb tone pulsed
with a 25% duty cycle, continuous sink tone.
#3 Tone between sink- and climb threshold pulsed with a 50% duty cycle (zero lift zone),
climb tone pulsed with a 25% duty cycle, continous sink tone.
#4 corresponds to #3, yet without sink tone.
Setup 9:
Current announcement, vario operating with sensor interface from WSTECH or UniLog from
#0 operation without current sensor (default setting, required to suppress unnecessary