V3307-DI-T-E2B, WSM
Clearance between Valve Stem and Valve Guide
1. Remove carbon from the valve guide section.
2. Measure the valve stem O.D. with an outside micrometer.
3. Measure the valve guide I.D. of the cylinder head at the most
wear part as shown in the figure below with a small hole gauge.
And calculate the clearance.
4. If the clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace the valves.
If it still exceeds the allowable limit, replace the valve guide.
Replacing Valve Guide
(When removing)
1. Using a valve guide replacing tool, press out the used valve
guide. (Refer to “5. SPECIAL TOOLS” at “GENERAL” section.)
(When installing)
1. Clean a new valve guide, and apply engine oil to it.
2. Using a valve guide replacing tool, press in a new valve guide
until it is flush with the cylinder head as shown in the figure.
3. Ream precisely the I.D. of the valve guide to the specified
• Do not hit the valve guide with a hammer, etc. during
Clearance between
valve stem and guide
(Intake and exhaust)
Factory spec.
0.055 to 0.085 mm
0.0022 to 0.0033 in.
Allowable limit
0.10 mm
0.0039 in.
Valve stem O.D.
(Intake and exhaust)
Factory spec.
6.960 to 6.975 mm
0.2741 to 0.2746 in.
Valve guide I.D.
(Intake and exhaust)
Factory spec.
7.030 to 7.045 mm
0.2768 to 0.2773 in.
Valve guide I.D.
(Intake and exhaust)
Factory spec.
7.030 to 7.045 mm
0.2768 to 0.2773 in.
(A) When Removing
(B) When Installing
KiSC issued 01, 2009 A