P. 10 / 12
Profibus DP – CBF-B1/CBFF-B1 Burner Control Box
Tab. 6: Trouble shooting CBF(F)-B1
Error / Cause
Check / Solve
“A1“ flashing False flame
CBF is detecting a flame when
burner is off. Flare up of uncom-
busted fuel, UV-Probe not wired cor-
Eliminate flare up: install gas lance purge
air with limiting orifice, clean limiting ori-
fice, program air lag, check UV-Probe,
gas leak between gas lance nozzle and
ceramic electrode sleeve, conductive
ceramic electrode sleeve at high tem-
peratures, gas valve too far from burner,
increase min. OFF
“A2“ flashing
Start-up without flame signal, mix-
ture failure, ignition error
Check gas and air valve functionality,
check gas and air flow adjustments,
check functionality of delta-p switch,
confirm proper gas type, check ignition
spark and transformer, spark forming at
wrong location?; ground wire con-
nected?, static supply pressures suffi-
cient?, gas and air valves opening de-
layed? Is flame forming?
“A3“ flashing Loss of flame during stabilizing pe-
riod, flame blow off, exhaust gas not
extracted, gas or air
See above ;
Check flame signal strength, eliminate
gas and air pressure fluctuations, ex-
haust restricted or closed up, distance
recuperator to inner tube incorrect, dis-
tance cross in radiant tube missing, igni-
tion and supervision cables run in same
conduit with other cables, defective gas
lance nozzle, defective or plugged gas
lance, defective combustion chamber,
air flow correct, UV-probe defective,
quartz glass broken or covered with soot,
combustion chamber back pressures to
“A4“ flashing Flame loss during operation
See above;
Ionisation current losses due to conduc-
tive ceramic electrode sleeve, flame is
not touching supervision electrode, soot
on electrode, electrode deteriorated re-
place, confirm gas and air volume flow
settings, check functionality of delta-p
“00” flashing Failure POC main valve limit switch
Check switch setting; correct connectors
at switch? if main valve is not active
POC switch must signalize the off-
position of valve
“10” flashing Remote reset limit exceeded, max. 5
resets within 15 minutes allowed
maybe bus failure
Check burner; check bus reset signal, try
local reset.
After 15 min. without reset, remote reset
limit will be unlocked automatically.
“d0” flashing Only CBFF-B1
Delta-p switch (DPS) failure in non-
operative mode control
DPS does not switch back to normal pos.
air valve open? measured pressure pipe
blocked – clean an check pipes
DPS defective