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It is advisable to perform a self-test of the UltraPath 2 sample system before sampling.
Reference light intensity scans of all three pathlength are supplied with each UltraPath 2
sampling system. These scans were taken with Millipore de-ionized water after the cells were
rigorously cleaned. To test the UltraPath 2 sample system:
Switch on all instrumentation,
Fill the UltraPath 2 sample cell with Millipore de-ionized water and
Obtain reference intensities at the integration times given in the calibration sheets
(See Operation Instructions for details).
Confirm the results with the calibration sheets.
If the light intensities are significantly lower than on the calibration sheets, clean the
sample cells (see section Instrument maintenance) and repeat the Self-Test.
Light intensity output will degrade over time, as a function of bulb age. The average
lifetime of both the UV bulb and VIS bulb is 3000 hours. After this time the light output will
decrease to 50-70% of its original value.
If the color balance of the TIDAS S 300 UV/VIS bulb is changed or the bulb is exchanged,
the calibration sheets become invalid and new calibration sets should be prepared.