The KG-XS20G can only transmit on GMRS frequencies. All other available frequen-
cies entered in Frequency mode or through the programming software are receive only.
Channels and Privacy Codes
The KG-XS20G supports 30 built-in GMRS channels and 155 privacy tones and
codes.To successfully communicate between your stations or members of your group, all
the connecting radios must be using the same channel and privacy (CTCSS or DCS)
The KG-XS20G supports both standard and
non-standard CTCSS tones and DCS codes.
These tones and codes can be enabled and
configured in the [RX-CTCSS], [RX-DCS],
[TX-CTCSS] and [TX-DCS] menu options
(pp 57-58). Instructions for entering
non-standard tones and codes can be found
in the Advanced Operations section of this
manual (page 78).
The KG-XS20G will only transmit
on GMRS frequencies authorized
for 5 watts and higher. Band and fre-
quency support for other frequencies
is provided for listening only.