Transmitting on channels 15-22 is allowed at High power on the KG-XS20G.
These channels are authorized for up to 50 watts of output power. Prior to FCC
changes made in 2017, this group was exclusive to GMRS (not part of FRS).
Channels 23-30 receive on the same frequencies as channels 15-22, but transmit
on a special offset frequency set aside for repeaters. The maximum transmit power
allowed on any of the 8 GMRS repeater channels is 50 watts. See page 35 for
more information about using the KG-XS20G with repeaters.
Transmitting and Receiving
With a channel selected, the radio is actively “listening” for an incoming signal on that
channel. When a signal is detected, the transmission will be heard through the radio’s
speaker. Please note, the Squelch setting (page 54) determines how strong a signal
needs to be in order to be detected.
To transmit, first be sure the channel is clear and then hold the hand microphone a few
inches from your mouth. Hold down the PTT button on the side of the microphone
while talking and release the PTT when finished.