patching it to both a High Left input and a Low Right one, or vice versa.
As well as filtering, SoundStage can change the phase relationships
between the signals which can give your stereo filters something more
to bite onto.
Tuned feedback/distortion
A great way to get more dirt into your mix is to mult the output of
SoundStage and then feed it through a VCA and back to one of the
inputs. The filtering will tune the feedback so you can decide where
you want it to sit in the mix and not have it overpower everything else,
and going through a VCA will allow you to have precise voltage control
of the feedback. The SoundStage signal path is designed to saturate in
a pleasant sounding way, but it can also be pushed into harsher
overdriven tones. Experiment with crossing over the left and right
signals and feeding back to their opposite sides, because SoundStage
is 100% analogue there is no latency so stereo feedback of signals is
possible and sounds natural.
Stereo Spectral Scanner
This patch uses the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix to flip voices
around the stereo field and the frequency spectrum. Patch your voices
or oscillators to the inputs of the SSM and then patch its outputs to
four differing inputs of SoundStage. Switching between different
Matrices in the SSM will give your signals movement, and these signals
can be moving around other static voices for some really interesting
creative effects.
These are just a few ways you can use your SoundStage to get more life
and music and sound from your modular system, there are many more
which you can find by exploring with your patches. If you come up with
any cool patches be sure to let us know, we love to hear what people
come up with using our modules!