channels individually. In a Eurorack synth it allows not only processing,
but also the creation of incredibly wide and thick stereo signals which
can’t be created with traditional techniques.
Your can be
thought of as two sections,
the LR to MS section which
encodes a traditional LR
stereo signal to MS stereo,
and the MS to LR section
which decodes the MS signal
back to LR. These two
sections are normalled
together so that if you don’t
patch anything to the Mid and
Side inputs they will be fed by
the Mid and Side outputs of
the previous section. Patching
into the Mid or Side input
breaks the normalling for
that signal, allowing quick
ABing of any effect you patch
in on the Mid and Side effects
loops, as well as use of the
through-zero stereo width
control circuit without having
to patch anything between the two sections.
The MS to LR section contains a combined VCA and 4
Quadrant Multiplier on the Mid and Side signals respectively, and a
switchable 250Hz high pass filter on the Side signal. These specially
designed circuits allow you to control the width of your signal from
Super-wide Stereo, through to regular Stereo, to Mono, and then
through zero to Reverse Stereo, finally to Reversed Super-wide stereo.