Motor Wheel
Remove the exis ng rear wheel and swap the tyre, tube and freewheel to the new motor wheel. If you
had a casse e previously, you should have ordered a suitable freewheel from us at the same me you or-
dered your kit, we will normally have fi ed the freewheel to the motor before despatching your kit.
If you have purchased this kit and cannot carry out one or more of the procedures in this manual or do
not have the necessary tools to complete these procedures, you should seek the advice of a professional
who can fit the kit for you.
You must ensure that the motor cable where it exits the spindle, points downwards towards the ground,
see below for photos showing how the wheel should be fi ed and the correct orienta on of the cable.
Once the wheel is properly installed, slide the rubber covers in place and secure the motor cable to the
frame using cable–
es. The rubber cover for the side where the cable exits the spindle will need to be slid
along the cable, and it should be fi ed in such a way that the hole in the rubber cover keeps the motor
cable poin ng downwards as much as possible
—see below. Also ensure that the metal coil/sheath is all
the way down the cable so that it protects the cable from the edges where the cable exits the motor.
arrow on the diagram above shows the usual route for the motor cable, with the quick-release
connector (in the cable) indicated by the solid