Each new combination of reserve parachute and harness or external container that is assembled for the first time must be inspected by an
official reseller of the harness or the reserve chute or a flight instructor to verify that it can be effectively deployed. Checks should be carried
out by hanging in a flight simulator. Deployment of the emergency chute must be possible from the normal flying position.
The paraglider harness and the emergency parachute opening system are not suitable for use in free fall and in strong shocks. Its bearing
structure has been designed, tested and certified to withstand emergency parachute opening shock in accordance with the standard
requirements for paragliding.
This does not mean that the other parts of the harness will not become damaged due to emergency parachute opening shock. This is true
whether it occurs due to actual need in the event of an accident or if it occurs voluntarily, for example during a safety course.
2.1.4- Suitable reserves
Reserve compartment volume
In general, comparatively bulky old-style reserves are more difficult to release from modern, compact harnesses. Certified volume ranges for
the WANì are a function of harness size, as follows: M harness - 3 to 6 Litres. L harness - 3 to 6.5 Litres. XL harness - 3 to 7 Litres
2.1.5- Extracting the reserve parachute
It is vital to feel periodically for the position of the reserve parachute deployment handle during normal flight, so that the action of reaching
for the reserve parachute handle becomes instinctive in an emergency.
In emergency situations, the deployment procedure is as follows:
Look for the reserve parachute handle and grasp it firmly with one hand. Pull the handle outwards in order to extract the reserve parachute
from the harness container. Look for a clear area, and, in a continuous motion, throw the reserve parachute away from yourself and the
paraglider. On landing, adopt an upright body position, and ensure that you perform a PLF (Parachute Landing Fall) to minimize the risk of