Manual XRI1-ER
TD_XRI1-ER_12.03, Rev. C
6.1.9 Circuit breaker failure protection t
The CB failure protection is based on supervision of phase currents during tripping events. Only after tripping
this protective function becomes active. The test in this case by supervision of the earth current criterion is
whether earth currents are dropped to <1% x IN within the time t
(Circuit Breaker Failure Protection, adjust-
able between 0.1 -
2.0 s). If the earth current haven’t dropped to <1% x I
within this time, CB failure is detected
and the related relay activated. The CB failure protection function is deactivated again as soon as the current
have dropped to <1% x I
within t
6.1.10 Display of the activation storage (FLSH/NOFL)
If after an activation the existing current drops again below the pickup value, e.g. I
, without a trip has been ini-
tiated, LED I> signals that an activation has occurred by flashing fast. The LED keeps flashing until it is reset
again (push button <RESET>). Flashing can be suppressed when the parameter is set to NOFL.
6.1.11 Adjustment of the slave address
Pressing push buttons <+> and <-> the slave address can be set in range of 1-32.
6.1.12 Setting of Baud-rate (applies for Modbus Protocol only)
Different transmission rates (Baud rate) can be set for data transmission via Modbus protocol.
The rate can be changed by push buttons <+> and <-> and saved by pressing <ENTER>.
6.1.13 Setting of parity (applies for Modbus Protocol only)
The following three parity settings are possible:
"EVN" = even
"ODD" = odd
= no parity check
The setting can be changed by push buttons <+> and <-> and saved by pressing <ENTER>.