Make sure the part and Mortise Table are not touching the bit, then turn on the router. Hold the handles of the Mortise
Table and plunge the part/Mortise Table into the bit, feeding the Mortise Table from right to left as you face the bit. Keep
downward pressure on the Mortise Table at all times.
For best results when mortising, you should not cut deeper than the bit diameter in each pass. For example, a 1/4” bit
should not cut deeper than 1/4” per pass. Since it may not be practical to adjust the bit depth that often, you may want to use the
following method.
Adjust the bit to the full cut depth desired and use spacers to limit the depth of cut of each pass. Using a 1/4” wide by 1”
deep mortise as an example, cut a three 1/4” thick spacers 1” to 1-1/4” wide and 10” or more long. Place three spacers between
the MDF base and the router plate to make the first 1/4” deep cut.
Remove one 1/4” thick spacer for each cut that follows, until
all spacers have been removed and you make the last cut at the full 1” cut depth.
©Copyright WOODHAVEN INC. 6/30/14
(800) 344-6657 or WWW.WOODHAVEN.COM
Remove one 1/4” thick spacer for each cut that
follows, until all spacers have been removed and
you make the last cut at the full 1” cut depth.