Troubleshooting Guide
System Diagnosis
Troubleshooting Guide
Faulty CANbus connection
Check connection of termination
resistor in the Operator control
Check continuity of the CAN Hi and
CAN Lo wires from the Bed Control
all the way to the Head Control.
Determine where the connection is
Operator ECU Communica-
tion Loss
Loss of power
Check Operator ECU fuse(F5)
Replace fuse if necessary
Faulty CANbus connection
Check connection of termination
resistor in the Operator control
Check continuity of the CAN Hi and
CAN Lo wires from the Operator
Control all the way to the Head Con-
trol. Determine where the connection
is poor
Engine ECU Communication
Loss of power
Check head control fuse(F12), check
engine harness fuse(F1)
Replace fuse if necessary
Faulty CANbus connection
Check connection of termination
resistor in the Operator control
Check continuity of the CAN Hi and
CAN Lo wires from the Engine ECU
all the way to the Head Control.
Determine where the connection is
Throttle ECU Communication
Loss of power
Check Throttle ECU fuse(F16)
Replace fuse if necessary
Faulty CANbus connection
Check connection of termination
resistor in the Operator control
Check continuity of the CAN Hi and
CAN Lo wires from the Throttle ECU
all the way to the Head ECU. Deter-
mine where the connection is poor
Failed to Reach Target
Transducer Magnet Position
Check the gap on the magnet, should
not be larger than 1/8”
Debris on mast
Inspect for debris.
Inspect proper operation of rollers.
Check up/down hydraulic pres-
The system should have a minimum
1400 psi when moving up/down only.