Page 13
Pebble ‘4’ has a location
peg on the underside. The peg
has a chamfer on one side. The
chamfer must face the burner.
Locate pebble ‘4’ onto the right
hand side of the pebble base. It
should bridge the gap between
the front and rear halves of the
pebble base. Pebble ‘4’ should
not touch the burner cover (See
figure 11).
There are two
pebbles numbered‘5’.
They have a central
location peg on the
underside. Locate the
first pebble ‘5’
centrally between the
left hand ceramic
support rods (See
figure 12). Locate
the second pebble
‘5’ centrally
between the right
hand ceramic
support rods (See
figure 12)
There are
seven pebbles
lettered ‘A’ to
‘D’on the
underside. Locate
these evenly over
the top of the first
layer of pebbles (See figure 13). To optimise the flame picture it may be necessary to
position these pebbles away from the centre of the fuel bed allowing more central flames.
Figure 13 Pebbles lettered ‘A’ to ‘D’ Location
Figure 12 Pebble number ‘5’ Location
Figure 11 Pebble number ‘4’ Location