14. Fault messages
Alarm messages
Outside temp sensor faulty
or not connected (AL26)
Message only;
special function
(night ventilation,
etc.) disabled
Sensor or lead faulty
Check sensor and lead,
acknowledge fault message
Icing-up sensor HR faulty
or not connected (AL28)
Heat recovery
switched off or
does not control
Sensor or lead faulty
Check sensor and lead
Fire damper no. 1
responded (AL29)
Subject to parameter
settings, either
system off, message
only or smoke
An external building fire
protection system has
responded. Personnel
at risk from fire!
Reactivate fallen dampers,
acknowledge fault message
Fault, EC motor, ventilation
fan (AL50)
The system shuts
Fault recognition
through EC motor;
EC motor faulty
Check EC motor; acknowledge
fault message
Fault, EC motor, extract fan
The system shuts
Fault recognition
through EC motor;
EC motor faulty
Check EC motor; acknowledge
fault message
KLM-E address 1 (AL52)
databus fault
The system shuts
Extension module
faulty; BUS cable faulty;
incorrectly addressed
Check cable and address;
change extension module,
acknowledge fault message
KLM-E address 2 (AL53)
databus fault
The system shuts
Extension module
faulty; BUS cable faulty;
incorrectly addressed
Check cable and address;
change extension module,
acknowledge fault message
KLM-E address 3 (AL54)
databus fault
The system shuts
Extension module
faulty; BUS cable faulty;
incorrectly addressed
Check cable and address;
change extension module,
acknowledge fault message
KLM-E address 4 (AL55)
databus fault
The system shuts
Extension module
faulty; BUS cable faulty;
incorrectly addressed
Check cable and address;
change extension module,
acknowledge fault message
KLM-E address 5 (AL56)
databus fault
The system shuts
Extension module
faulty; BUS cable faulty;
incorrectly addressed
Check cable and address;
change extension module,
acknowledge fault message
Remote control not
connected or databus fault
Remote control
Remote control
not connected or
databus fault
Check remote control and
its wiring
Set value transd. not
or incorrectly connected
Set value transducer
Set value transducer
not or incorrectly
Check set value transducer
and its wiring
Service required (AL59)
Display only
Component hours run
Service the corresponding
components, reset operating
hours or increase limit value for
next service.
Fault, heat recovery (AL61) Heat recovery
switched off or
does not control
Heat recovery system
Check system; acknowledge
fault message
Humidifier service (AL62)
Message only
Humidifier requires a
Service humidifier,
acknowledge fault message
Humidifier fault (AL63)
Humidifier shuts
down; system
continues to operate
Fault recognition
through humidifier;
humidifier faulty
Check humidifier; acknowledge
fault message