10. Operating level 2
Quick heating
− Extract air temperature sensor or room temperature sensor installed
− Damper system for quick heat-up installed
The quick heat-up function can be enabled in the "standard settings".
During system start-up and in control mode, the ACTUAL room/extract air
temperature and the SET room/extract air temperature are continuously
compared. If the actual temperature is below the set temperature by
an adjustable value (e.g. 5 K), the quick heat-up function is enabled.
This means recirculating air operation with the set maximum supply air
Once the ACTUAL room/extract air temperature has reached the SET room/
extract air temperature (incl. adjustable offset), the unit changes back into
control mode.
If the SET room/extract air temperature (incl. offset) is not achieved, the
unit switches back into control mode after an adjustable max. runtime (e.g.
60 min).
If the quick heat-up function is enabled, this is shown on the default screen
as a special operating mode.
Setting range
Factory setting
Start delay for fan
0 - 180 s
120 s
Start time for recirc. mode
0 - 180 min
0 min
Min. proportion fresh air with
modulating reduction
0 - 100 %
10 %
Modulating reduction, min. proportion
fresh air with outside temp.
standard fresh air proportion
-10 - 30 °C
0 °C
Reduced fresh air proportion
-10 - 30 °C
-10 °C
Energy saving
- heating
0 - 30 K
10 K
- cooling
0 - 30 K
10 K
Delta of set/actual room temperature
2 - 10 K
5 K
Offset, set temperature
-1 - 5 K
0 K
Offset, ventilation air*
0-100 %
0 %
Substit. set room temperature**
15 - 35 °C
22 °C
Max. runtime
10 - 90 min
60 min
* the set percentage applies to the set supply air value
(e.g. set value = 2000 m³/h + 10 % offset -> quick heat-up set value = 2200 m³/h)
** is effective with selected supply air temperature control