Operating manual GFZ / GFM / GEZ
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6. Transportation, installation, commissioning and shutdown
6.1 Transportation
Transport the pump unit to its destination carefully and by using suitable aids (e.g. hand-carts
or the like).
6.2 Unpacking
Lift the pump unit out of its packaging carefully and put it on a stable and plane base.
The pump unit and the components attached in accordance with
the scope of delivery may still contain residues of blue-dyed test oil.
6.3 Installation
For the suction connection please choose a suction pipe with an adequate diameter.
The suction side of the suction pipe has to have an angled opening.
The maximum suction height of the gear pump unit is 800 mm.
The maximum suction pipe length is 1000 mm. The permissible
negative pressure in the suction line is -0.3 bar.
6.3.1 GFZ series
Hole pattern of the GFZ-B pump until
–D, GFZ-N, GFZ-L, GFZ-L01 please see data sheets
chapter 11.5.
Connect a suction pipe to the suction connection. Lead back the return pipe to the reservoir.
The pump unit is assembled to the top side of the lubricant reservoir. For the assembly a
corresponding hole pattern has to be made on the reservoir. Make sure that the fixing
surface is even and stable enough to carry the pump unit.
If required a flat seal can be put between flange and reservoir. The pump unit is bolted by
means of 4 screws.