Wizard™ International, Inc., 4600 116th St. SW, PO Box 66, Mukilteo, WA 98275 888/855-3335 Fax: 425/551-4350
Remove Board Stop
1. Locate the Board Stops that are installed into the end of the Cradle Sides (Fig A). Remove the Board
Stops from the Cradle Sides (Fig B) and set them and the screws and threaded collars aside for later
(Fig C). This Board Stop will not be used for the 8500e; the 8500e will be using a Board Extender.
Fig A.
Fig B.
Fig C.
Fig A: Cradle Side. Fig B: Remove Board Stop. Fig C: Note there are two kinds of Board Stops.
Attach Cradle Side
1. Now you need to determine if you want an angled stand or an upright stand. Note that each con-
figuration uses the same Cradle Side (Fig A), but it is placed in a different orientation depending upon
the type of stand you want. The photos below show the Board Stops already installed, merely to help
reference which configuration you want -- you will be installing the Board Stops soon.
Figure B. shows the Cradle Side for the angled stand.
Figure C. shows the Cradle Side for an upright stand.
Figure D. shows the Cradle Side for an upright stand with Board Extenders for use with 8500e.
Fig A.
Fig B.
Fig C.
Fig D.
Fig A: Cradle side. Fig B: Cradle side placed for angled Stand. Fig C-D: Cradle side placed for upright Stand - Recom-
mended for 8500e.