p. 43
Always keep your feet on the footrests when riding the
Do not jump over obstacles with your scooter.
Do not jump on the deck of your scooter.
Avoid riding on roads littered with scattered objects, such as
branches, rubbish or small stones.
Do not ride your scooter on any roads with obstacles or
slippery roads where you risk losing traction, such as on
snow, ice or water. This could lead to a loss of traction and
result in personal injury and property damage.
Do not ride on steep slopes. Do not use your scooter on
steep slopes, the maximum angle of inclination is 15°. Going
fast on a steep descent can cause the motors and battery to
overheat and reduce your ability to brake safely.
Take all necessary safety precautions when learning to use
your scooter. Remember that you can be injured by losing
control, collisions or by falling off your scooter.
If a traffic accident happens while riding your scooter, stay
calm, secure the area and wait for the appropriate personnel
to deal with the situation responsibly and legally.
Do not use your scooter in an unsecured environment, i.e. in
areas where there are flammable materials, steam, liquids,