I. Product Overview
1. IR LEDs
2. Camera Lens
3. Set Button
4. Plus Button
5. Micro SD Card Slot
6. Reset Button
7. Power Switch
8. USB Port
9. WIFI Indicator Light
10. Power Indicator Light
11. Battery Charge Indicator Light
12. Rechargeable Backup Battery
II. What’s in the Box
-1× WIFI Clock Camera
-1× USB Cable
-1× AC110-240V to DC 5V 2A Power Adapter
-1× 8GB Micro SD Card (fitted into the Micro SD card slot already)
-1× Rechargeable Backup Battery
-1× Insulating Film
III. Before You Start
>> Please remove the insulating film for the first use.
3.1. Get Clock Part Ready
3.1.1. Open back cover, plug the clock directly into an outlet AC power supply using the
power adapter included, time display will be lit brightly.
3.1.2. Press the Set Button once and the hour will start flashing, then press the Plus
Button to adjust the current hour.
3.1.3. Press the Set Button once again to save the hour setting and the minute will start
flashing, then press the Plus Button to adjust the current minute.
3.1.4. Press the Set Button to save the minute setting. Press the Plus Button to switch
between 12-hour and 24-hour mode, then press the Set Button once to save the setting.
3.2. Get WIFI Camera Part Ready
3.2.1. Please make sure the camera is fully charged, the Micro SD card has been
formatted already and is securely fitted into the camera’s SD card slot, or it will not work.
We recommend you use a SDHC Class 10 Micro SD card.
3.2.2. Power on the camera by sliding the Power Switch to the ON position. The charging
and power indicator lights will glow solid yellow while the WIFI indicator light will keep
flashing yellow, indicating the camera’s WIFI signal is ready.
IV. Network Setup
4.1. Install the “
” APP on Android Smartphone or Tablet PC
Scan the QR code below to download the “
” APP on your Android smartphone or
tablet PC.
4.2. P2P Connection Setup (LAN Mode)
4.2.1. Go to the WIFI Setting page on your phone or mobile device, connect to the
camera’s WIFI signal named “
”. Wait for the WIFI to be connected and your
phone status bar will appear WIFI symbol as below:
If the camera’s WIFI signal cannot be found after a long time, please see Q1 on the FAQ
page at the end of this user guide for detailed solutions.
4.2.2. Run the “
” APP.
4.2.3. Add the camera to the “
” APP as below:
Tap + symbol at the top right corner > Search for the camera > Tap the camera’s UID >
Tap OK.
4.2.4. If the camera shows “Online” on the home page, it means the camera’s P2P (LAN)
setup is successful, and the camera has entered into LAN mode. You can view live or
record video in P2P mode.
In this mode, you can only view video locally, within 15 meters (49ft) open range.
On the live video screen, you can gently put your index finger and thumb on the
screen then slide in and outward directions on a specific area to zoom in and out.
4.3. Remote View Setup (WAN Mode)
>> Before remote view setup, please make sure that the camera is successfully added to
the APP in the P2P (LAN) mode and it's online.
4.3.1. Launch the “
” APP.
4.3.2. Follow the steps below to set up remote view function:
Step 1: On the home page, tap the gear icon and then choose “Camera setting” in the
popup window.
Step 2: On the “
Advanced Setting
” page, tap “
Manage Wi-Fi networks
” at the “
” section.
Step 3: From a list of available networks in the area, select your desired WIFI hotspot to
enroll the camera in.
Step 4: Tap “
” to complete the remote view setup. The camera will reboot automatically
and ring twice softly in 8 seconds.
How to check if remote view function works?
1. Exit the “
” APP.
2. Back to the WIFI setting page on your phone or mobile device, exit your phone or
mobile device from the current WIFI network, enroll your phone or mobile device in
another WIFI hotspot, or you can turn off the WIFI function, enable your mobile network
data instead.
3. Make sure your smartphone or tablet PC has Internet access and launch the “
APP again. If the camera shows “
” on the home page, it means the remote view
setup is complete and the camera has entered into WAN mode. Now you can view live or
recorded video remotely from any location.
When the camera tinkles twice, it means the WIFI configuration is successful. If the camera
shows “
Connect Fail
” on the page and beeps twice, it means the WIFI configuration is failed and the
camera will go back to P2P mode automatically in 1 minute; you need to set up all over again.
V. Motion Detection Recording Setup
>> Please make sure the camera is successfully added to the APP and it's online before
you start.
5.1. Launch the “
” APP.
5.2. Tap the gear icon on the home page and then choose “
Camera Setting
” in the
popup window.
5.3. On the “
Advanced Setting
” page, choose motion detection sensitivity then select
” recording mode.
5.4. Tap “
” to complete the Motion Detection Video Recording setting.
5.5. When a movement is detected, the camera will record a video automatically to the
local Micro SD card. Back to the home page, tap the gear icon and choose “
” to check out the video footage based on motion detection.
If the camera is in WAN mode, the video footage might show a black screen on your
phone during playback because of slow broadband network.
Video Resolution: 1920×1080P Not Optional Video Format: AVI
VI. Recording Video Directly to Smartphone or Tablet PC
>> Please make sure the camera is successfully added to the APP and it's online before
you start.
6.1. Launch the “
” APP. Tap the camera icon to get into the live video screen.
6.2. Tap the Remote Video Recording Button once to start or stop recording video.
The video files will be saved on your phone or mobile device's flash memory. These video
footage will come without audio.
6.3. Check out the video files.
Option 1:
On the live video page, you can tap the gallery icon to check out the image
and video files.
Option 2:
Back to the home page, you can tap the gear icon then choose “
” in the popup window to check out the image and video files.
Video Resolution: 640x360 Not Optional Video Format: MP4
VII. Recording Video to Local Micro SD Card Continuously
>> Please make sure the camera is successfully added to the APP and it's online before
you start.
7.1. Launch the “
” APP.
7.2. Tap the gear icon on the home page then choose “
Camera setting
” in the popup
7.3. Turn off “
Motion Detection
” function and choose “
Full Time
” recording mode instead.
7.4. Tap “
” to complete the SD card recording setting and the camera will start
recording video to the Micro SD card continuously.
7.5. Back to the home page, tap the gear icon and then choose “
SDCard Record
” to
check out the video files saved in the Micro SD card.
If the camera is in WAN mode, the video footage might show a black screen on your
phone or mobile device during the playback because of slow broadband network.
1). A video clip will be generated and saved every 3 minutes automatically.
2). The camera can record video for 4 hours continuously with the backup battery.
VIII. Resetting
If for any reason the clock camera stops working or isn’t working properly, you can reset
the camera to restore it back to normal operation.
When the camera is powered on, press and hold the Reset Button for 8 seconds
and the camera will tick 3 times. The camera’s WIFI signal named “RT-*******” will appear
on your phone or mobile device’s WIFI setting page again in a minute or so.
IX. Renaming Camera & Changing Password
>> Please make sure the camera is successfully added to the APP and it's online before
you start.
9.1. Launch the APP “
9.2. Rename the camera as below:
Step 1: Tap the gear icon on the home page and then choose “
Account Setting
” in the
popup window.
Step 2: Clear the default name and type in names like Home, Office, etc.
Step 3: Tap “
” to confirm the change.
9.3. Change the password as below:
Step 1: Back to the home page, tap the gear icon and then choose “
Camera setting
in the popup window.
Step 2: On the “
Advanced Setting
” page, tap “
Modify Security Code
” at the “
Code Setting
” section.
Step 3: Type in the default password “
”, then enter a new password and re-enter
it, finally tap “
” to save the change.
X. Charging Backup Battery
10.1. Put the backup battery in place then connect the camera to an outlet AC power
supply using the power adapter and USB cable provided.
10.2. The battery charge indicator light will glow solid yellow during the charging process.
10.3. It will take 4 hours to obtain a full charge for the backup battery.
10.4. The battery charge indicator light will turn off when the backup battery is fully
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Why Camera WIFI signal is not appearing on my WIFI page?
A1: There are 4 solutions to this problem:
1. Take out the backup battery, plug the camera into an outlet power supply using the
USB cable and DC5V 2.0A power adapter provided. Wait 2 minutes for the WIFI signal
SSID to appear.
2. Reset the camera (See VIII), then wait for the WIFI signal SSID to show up.
3. Keep your phone or mobile device within the camera’s WIFI hotspot range, refreshing
the WIFI signal page. It may take up to 2 minutes for the hotspot to become recognizable
on your phone or mobile device's WIFI setting page.
4. Shut off your phone or mobile device’s WIFI function for a while, then turn it on to
search again.
Q2: The camera won’t show up in the application Camwf?
A2: Ensure your phone or mobile device is still connecting to the camera’s WIFI signal
and your camera is powered by the outlet power supply or the back-up battery is fully
Q3: Why live video screen shows up black and a searching circle spins in center
but nothing ever displays?
A3: If the camera connected WIFI speed is low, wait 10-30 seconds for live video to
appear. Or you can exit the live video screen and get into the screen again in a minute.
Q4: Why does the video footage have no image but noise during playback on my
PC computer?
A4: When the camera is in low battery during video recording process, this happens. So
if you need the camera to record full time, we suggest you charge the camera using the
DC5V 2.0A power adapter and USB cable included during the video recording process.
Q5: Even though I keep the camera charged, the WIFI signal still drops?
A5: Make sure that you use our DC5V 2.0A power adapter provided to charge the
camera. If the power adapter is lower than DC5V 2.0A, say, DC5V 1.0A, the camera’s
WIFI signal will be unstable and keep dropping. Plus, we don’t recommend you connect
the camera directly to your PC computer for charging, because the current output will not
be enough for the camera to run normally.
Q6: The camera is not holding my Wifi settings and continues to show that the
camera is offline?
A6: Make sure the camera is inside the range of good WIFI signal. Or if you are using the
backup battery, check if the power adapter is connected properly for long time use.
Q7: Will the camera still work if the power goes out?
A7: If the camera is in P2P (LAN) mode, the camera can still work and record video as
long as the backup battery provides power for the camera to run. If the camera is in WAN
mode, it will not work until power is restored and the Internet access is available.
Q8: How to add the camera to more devices?
A8: Make sure that camera is in WAN mode already. Then launch the “
” APP on your
other Android devices, tap “
” icon, scan the QR code on the back of the camera for camera’s
UID and password. Or input the camera UID (a unique combination of numbers and letters
specific to your camera) and password. Finally, tap “
” to add the camera to the APP.
Q9: What to do if I forget my password?
A9: You will have to reset the device to factory settings (See VIII) and re-add the camera.
Q10: The camera does not record any video to the Micro SD card?
A10: Power off the camera, take out the Micro SD card, format the SD card, then insert it
to the SD card slot to try again.
Q11: How many mobile devices can connect to the camera at the same time?
A11: No limit.
Q12: How many cameras are supported on the mobile application?
A12: No limit.
Q13: How to turn on the IR LEDs?
A13: When the illumination is below 10 lux, the IR LEDs will be turned on automatically.
The IR distance is 2 meters (6.5ft).
Q14: How to play back the video saved in the Micro SD card?
A14: Use a card reader to read and play back the video on your PC computer. Or use the
“Camwf” APP to play back (See 7.5)
Q15: Is there any PC client software I can use on my windows PC computer?
A15: PC client software download link:
Q16: Why is time display not stable, always blinking?
A16: Because the backup battery is low or the outlet power supply is not connected