IP Address
This parameter defines the desired IPTV channel IP address. It is necessary to know the
specific IP address to send a IGMP packet asking to get into the multicast group that
is receiving the channel. Only after the request is accepted, will the video stream starts.
This field appears only if multicast protocol is selected.
This parameter defines the URL of the VoD server. It is necessary to know this URL to
send a RTSP packet asking to get into the unicast group. The video stream starts after
this request is accepted. This field appears only if an option with unicast is selected.
Port Number
This parameter defines the port number which IPTV communication will use. Only ap-
pears if a multicast protocol is chosen.
IPTV Test Application
Press the F3 key (Actions), select Start Stream 1, then press START/STOP to start the
first IPTV test. It is possible to activate all three streams simultaneously.
If the protocol chosen is a multicast, an IGMP packet will be sent. Choosing a unicast
protocol (VoD), a RTSP packet will be sent and the video flow should start in a while. Through
F2 key (View), a pop-up menu gives access to many others screens. The description of each
option is given below.
Video Config
Press #1 Key or select 1.Video Config and press START/STOP key to close pop-up menu
and show the initial configuration screen.
Wise Telecommunications Industry