Winterhalter Gastronom GmbH
Postfach 1152
D-88070 Meckenbeuren
How to avoid breakages
Do not polish glasses after washing them. Not only is this unhygienic, but the mechanical
pressure also puts a strain on the glass.
Do not use cold water or ice to cool glasses down quickly after the wash. A cold rinse in
the machine also puts a strain on the glass.
Store clean glasses in closed cupboards. Do not put glasses away upside down, as this
may damage the rims.
Do not stack glasses on top of each other.
How to avoid odours
Use a non-perfumed detergent and clear rinse. We recommend the products "GASTRO-
NOM Reiniger F-30“ and "GASTRONOM Klarspüler N“, for example.
Do not store glasses in rooms used for cooking and frying.
Do not hang clean glasses above the bar, as cigarette smoke can become trapped inside
Do not place glasses on absorbent cloths, etc. to dry, but remove the rack from the ma-
chine after the wash cycle and leave the glasses on the counter for 1-2 minutes to dry in-
side the rack. We recommend that you obtain a second rack so that you can be filling one
rack while the other is inside the machine.
What to do about stains, streaks or lack of shine
This is a job for the experts: get a Winterhalter service technician to inspect the machine.
Wash water
In order to avoid mineral deposits and hard spots on the glasses, the water should be pre-
You can determine which type of water conditioning is suitable in your case by taking a
water sample. We will gladly assist you in this, and can supply you with the necessary wa-
ter softening unit.
Detergents and clear rinses
We recommend our own clear rinse, "GASTRONOM-Klarspüler N“.
The clear rinse is dosed automatically via a dispenser.
We also recommend our own detergent for glasses, "GASTRONOM Reiniger F-30“.
The detergent is dosed automatically via a dispenser.
Before putting your glasses in the machine
Before your glasses are washed in the machine for the first time, they must undergo thor-
ough preliminary cleaning by immersing them in a bath of water.
Put your entire stock of glasses in a bath consisting of 10l of water at a temperature of
approx. 60°C and 100ml of "GASTRONOM Reiniger F-8400“ detergent. Once the water
has cooled down enough for you to put your hands in, clean all the glasses inside and out
with a brush or coarse sponge (caution: rubber gloves should be worn), then wash them in
your glasswashing machine according to these instructions.
You can also clean the glasses in the machine. For this purpose, add 50 ml of "GASTRONOM
Reiniger F-8400“ detergent to the tank water and wash the rack containing the glasses three
times. Then take the glasses out of the machine to dry.