Operating manual
8111.01 REV_DA_16052019
- The Dartboard does not release any harmful substances. The dismantling of the
Dartmachine requires no special care, since no components are made of hazardous materials. Nevertheless, this
must not be disposed of with household-trash.
The packaging materials are recyclable. The following materials were used for construction:
MDF, steel, aluminium, ABS, PP, PE, PVC
. These materials are included in particular in the
following components:
wood, MDF, steel
aluminum, ABS
Steel, plastic
Disposal of pollutants -
For disposal, a sorting is recommended depending on the material type of the individual
components and their delivery to specially collection- or recycling- points.
Warranty terms
Guarantee start with invoice or delivery date. Repairs or possible returns are possible in original packaging with
invoice receipt, assembly and training instructions possible. The warranty refers to manufacturing and material
defects. This does not include damage caused by improper handling or use of force and no natural signs of
wear (wearing parts). Liability for possible damage due to environmental influences (air and / or rain water
pollution) is excluded. Costs for the elimination of such damage will not be borne by the manufacturer. If the aforementioned
treatment and care instructions are not observed, there is no reason to complain.
During the warranty period you have the right to repair. This means that any defects will be eliminated free of charge until the
end of the warranty period valid at the time of purchase. Thereafter, you will be charged for each postage and packaging
costs. If necessary, an article is exchanged in whole or in part. Should repair efforts fail during the warranty period valid at the
time of purchase or the repair be uneconomical, then you have the right to cancel the purchase contract (conversion) or to
reduce the purchase price (reduction).
Please report any shortcoming to us immediately. Obvious defects including transport damage will beonly recognized by us if
you are notified in writing no later than one week after delivery or have been noted directly on the delivery documents.
Error description on return
In case of any problems, please return this item after prior agreement with your purchase address well packaged
(if possible original packaging) with invoice receipt and detailed description of the defect to the purchase
address. Please request our form "Error description / Complaint". The completion of this error description helps
you and our service team to locate possible sources of error quickly.
Waldstrasse 21
D-86517 Wehringen
Electrical and electronic devices contain valuable recyclable materials
and often components such as batteries, rechargeable batteries or oil.
At Misuse or improper disposal may present this components a
potential hazard to human health and the environment. However, these
components are necessary for the proper operation of the device.
Devices marked with this symbol must not be disposed of with the