Winnix Technologies co., Limited
6) Timing Interval
This frame includes setting the frequency of reading tag (namely setting time for cycle reading) and the
interfacing identification. Setting time for cycle reading can be 10ms`1000ms.Users can choose
interfacing identification and set the effective time for interfacing identification .If no need of setting
effective time, fill in “0”instead.
7) Communication out port parameter setting
Setting data out of communication pork and other agreement .When choosing RS485 communication
agreement, Syris agreement and common transmission agreement are optional. The format of
common transmission agreements are like the description before. Please make reference to the Syris
controller information about Syris agreement. When choosing Wiegand interface, you can choose
Wiegand26 or Wiegand34 agreement.
Picture 8 Output Port setting
8) RS485 setting
Picture 9 RS485 Setting
This frame is used for setting the Wiegand interface parameter, Include Wiegand output times and
signal format. Wiegand signal format needs setting Wiegand pulse breath (means low impulse breath)
and code element cycle(means the time of a bit data)
After every function choosing, click “SET” button. The successful setting parameter will be effective
when reader repositions. Users can click “Restart” button to make reader reposition.