Using On-Site Sewer Hook-Ups
The sewage drain hose may remain attached to
the sewage drain outlet and be routed out the
bottom of the compartment while the motor
home is parked and connected to an on-site
sewage hook-up.
When using a sewer hook-up, keep the dump
valves closed until a tank becomes full or when
preparing to leave the site. This keeps the solids
in suspension, allowing them to be carried out
with the liquids when the dump valve is opened.
If the valve is left open, the liquids will drain off,
leaving solids in the tank. Should this
accidentally happen, disconnect the hose, fill the
tank about half full with water, and drive a few
miles to dislodge the solids. A few starts and
stops will aid in the process. Then reconnect the
hose and drain in the normal manner.
NOTE: Always keep sewage drain outlet
capped while sewage connection is not in use.
Holding Tank Level Indicators
“Systems Monitor Panel”
Section 4 -
for further information on the
monitor panel and checking tank levels.
See “Specifications” in
Section 1 -
for tank capacities for your model.
(Holding Tanks)
-Model 35F only
The drainage system is self-contained and
uses three separate holding tanks to contain the
waste water until it can be dumped at an
appropriate waste water disposal site. This means
you can use the toilets, sinks, and shower even in
areas where utility hookups are not available.
The two black water holding tanks contain the
sewage from the toilets. The gray water holding
tank typically contains the waste water from the
galley sink, shower, and bathroom lavatories.
See “Specifications” in
Section 1–
for tank capacities for your model.
Waste Pump
The 12-volt Waste Pump disposes black
holding tank waste (for the front toilet) through a
small diameter sewer hose, which is then drained
through the main sewage drain outlet.
NOTE: If Waste Pump stalls, check breaker in
the load center. If problem persists,
remove end cap and manually turn pump
shaft (located on the end of the waste
pump) with a screwdriver.
Further Information
For complete operating instructions and
troubleshooting tips, see the Waste Pump
manufacturer’s user guide provided in your
Dumping Holding Tanks
1. Remove sewage drain hose from water
service center.
Service inlet access must be closed when
utility connections are not in use.
Waste Pump
(Located in passenger side
compartment ahead of rear axle)
-Typical installation shown