Marine Installation Manual
1 Engine Summary
1.3 Fuel operating modes
Gas trip
A gas trip will always stop the use of gas as the fuel, this therefore always results
in a changeover to diesel mode. The gas trip is completed within a single revolu
tion of the engine and can occur at any engine power and any operating mode
where gas is in use. This includes any point of transfer between operating modes.
While the engine runs in gas mode, the liquid fuel backup system is always on
standby with MGO or MDO. This is different to fuel sharing mode which is
backed up by the selected fuel type (see
Although the operator can initiate a gas trip to diesel mode, if the engine control
system initiates an automatic gas trip it is a result of either an unacceptable oper
ating condition, a detected failure or a command received from an external
system (e.g. the engine safety system). If an automatically initiated gas trip oc
curs, then the cause must be investigated. Transferring to an operation mode
with gas is therefore prohibited and disabled until the problem is resolved and the
alarm is reset.
Failures causing a gas trip are described in detail by the document that follows:
2-S Dual-Fuel Engine Safety Concept
introducing gas
The transfer from diesel mode to either gas mode or fuel sharing mode introduces
gas fuel. Both the GVU and the iGPR must complete a system safety test before
this gradual changeover can take place.
Gas mode
The transfer to gas mode is prohibited (and therefore disabled) when the engine
is running on HFO. Before changing to gas mode, the engine must stop using
HFO and operate with MGO or MDO until the fuel system is fully flushed of
HFO. This ensures that the main fuel oil system (i.e. the liquid fuel backup
system, on standby with MGO or MDO) does not become clogged by HFO.
Fuel sharing mode
If the engine is running above 50 % Contracted Maximum Continuous Rating
(CMCR) power, the transfer and operating in fuel sharing mode is possible with
HFO, MGO and MDO. When the engine power is reduced below the mode’s op
erating range, an alarm message is released. If the engine power is not increased
above 50% CMCR power within a defined time period, a gas trip is initiated, un
less manual transfer is performed in time.
between liquid fuels
Similar to WinGD diesel engines, changing the fuel input from HFO to either
MGO or MDO and vice versa can be done at any time (assuming HFO is per
mitted in the operating mode) without interruption of engine operation. The fuel
oil transfers are managed by external systems.
The fuel sharing mode must be contracted. It is an available option at
an additional cost.