1. Layout of Premises
The air-conditioner is installed entirely in the wine cellar: it can be fitted on the floor or on
a suitable support which can bear the weight of the unit.
1.1 Hot air outlet
- If the WINEMASTER hot air outlet is indoors, the room must be well-ventilated to ensure
that the temperature does not exceed 35°C. The ideal temperature is arround 20°C. It is
preferable to discharge the hot air outside if possible, via ducts.
- The air intake and outlet ducts must not be connected to each other nor obstructed, to
avoid overheating the unit. The two openings (intake and outlet) must therefore be at
least 200mm apart. The maximum length of each duct must not exceed 10 metres. This
lengh is to be reduced according to number of bends (by 1 meter per bend). The radius of
the bends must be higher than 300 mm. The diameter of the ducts must not be reduced.
1.2 The cellar
Insulation of the 4 walls, the door, the ceiling and the floor is essential for the
Winemaster to work properly. Adequate insulation helps to obtain the stability of the
temperature and the humidity. The table on the next page (choice of insulation) can be
used to determine the type and the thickness of insulation needed according to the
internal volume of the cellar and a cellar temperature of 12°C.
Insulation continuity :
Insulating components must be assembled preferably by interlocking panels or gluing
the panels together, to ensure perfect continuity of insulation. This is very important as
it prevents heat and humidity entering from the outside which would counter the
effects of regulation.
Setting the temperature
Maximum outdoor temperature
Cooling power
Electricity supply
Electrical power
Heating power
Preset to 12°C, adjustable between 4 and 25°C*
1 200 W at 15°C **
230-240 V - 50 Hz - with earth connection
(supplied with 3 m cable)
950 W
Fluorescent tube and switch built into the device
500 W
The circuit breaker must be at least 16 Amps.
* The insulation quality and thickness has to be in accordance with the volume of the cellar and the set temperature.
** The cooling performance is dependant from the outside temperature. Therefore, the set temperature of 12°C for
the cellar cannot be maintained if the outside temperature of the cellar is maintained at 35°C. If the thermal safety
functions to often, there is a risk for the condensator and starter to be damaged. In all the cases, it must be avoided
that the outside temperature remains at 35°C. This high temperature should be limited to the summer period.
WC50IN installation guide:Layout 1
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